Program & Replays

You Are the Healer

Broadcast on January 31, 2023
With Michelle Clare
Hosted by Lisa Bonnice

According to Michelle Clare, healing the lineage of ancestral trauma is a gift. When we step into our power to heal our ancestors and are actively healing the "past, present, and future," the ripple of healing is felt throughout the Universe and in parallel timelines.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Your ancestors are aware of your existence and your willingness to help heal
  • An unexpected and spontaneous ancestral healing
  • A meditation that allows you to connect with your ancestors and heal ancestral patterns
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Michelle Clare

Medium, Spiritual Coach, Angel Intuitive

Michelle Clare is a certified Medium, Angel Intuitive, spiritual coach, energetic healer, Intuitive Life Coach, and 3-time Near Death Experience (NDE) survivor. She receives messages from loved ones who have crossed over, as well as Angels and Life Guides.

In a span of 11 years, she had 3 near-death experiences: the first in April 2000, the second in May 2006, and a monumental life-changing event in which Michelle suffered a traumatic brain injury on November 1, 2011.  Shortly after this life-altering event, she started receiving information for other people from their loved ones who had transitioned. All 3 NDEs were a reminder of unconditional love and connection that surpasses our earthly life.

Michelle Clare