Program & Replays

The Genealogy Medium's Guide to Healing You and Your Ancestors

Broadcast on February 01, 2023
With Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, MFA, CG, DSNU
Hosted by Lisa Bonnice

Sharon DeBartolo Carmack will reveal how you can heal your ancestors' wounds, whether the person recently transitioned to the other side, or has been in the spirit world for generations. By doing so, you will also receive healing for yourself. Learn how to facilitate generational healing in this unique session, presented by a credentialed genealogist and medium.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The act of researching your ancestors' histories prompts healing
  • How writing and sharing your ancestors' stories heal them and you
  • How to mentally send and receive healing from your ancestors 
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Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, MFA, CG, DSNU

Certified Genealogist; Certificate Holder in Demonstrating Mediumship (CSNU); Advanced Academic Diploma Holder (DSNU)

Sharon DeBartolo Carmack is a Certified Genealogist with an MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing. She received a Certificate in Demonstrating Mediumship and an Advanced Academic Diploma from the Spiritualists’ National Union in the U.K. To her knowledge, Sharon is the only person in the U.S. to have credentials in both mediumship and genealogy.

Sharon is the author of twenty-seven books, including the biography, In Search of Maria B. Hayden: The American Medium Who Brought Spiritualism to the U.K., and her newest book, a memoir, Midlife Medium: A Genealogist’s Quest to Converse with the Dead.

Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, MFA, CG, DSNU