Program & Replays

Roots Deeper Than Whiteness: Remembering Who We Are for the Wellbeing of All

Broadcast on February 03, 2023
With David Dean
Hosted by Lisa Bonnice

Quite often, white people engaging in anti-racism education can get stymied by feelings of shame, rootlessness, and political confusion. By sharing his own journey of ancestral recovery, David Dean offers those of us who are white a pathway toward something different — a rooted identity, based in a deeper understanding of our history, that can help us find the emotional, spiritual, and political grounding we need to offer ourselves as genuine partners in the transformation of this society.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How our ancestors were socialized to become "white" by a ruling class intent on domination through racial division
  • The cultural traditions that were lost during this process, and support for facing the vast harms it led many of our ancestors to commit
  • A hidden yet unbroken legacy of multiracial resistance to this existing system that we can find belonging in and carry forward
The views expressed are specific to the author/speaker and may vary from the perspectives of The Shift Network's participants, staff, or other speakers.
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David Dean

Anti-Racist Political Educator, Speaker, and Writer

David Dean is an anti-racist political educator, speaker, and writer dedicated to supporting white people to engage in multiracial social movements with emotional strength, political clarity, and fierce purpose. He is the former Associate Director of White Awake, a racial and economic justice education center where he taught courses for more than 5000 people and trained activists throughout the country. His forthcoming book, Roots Deeper than Whiteness: Remembering who we are for the well-being of all, is meant to help white Americans cultivate a rooted, anti-racist identity, based on a deeper understanding of their ancestry, that can drive their participation in movements for collective liberation. To learn about training opportunities with David and receive regular writing from him, sign up for his newsletter, Toward Solidarity. 

David Dean