Program & Replays

Embracing Ancestors in the Knowing Field: Family Systems Constellation, Echoes of Pain and the Healing Connection

Broadcast on January 30, 2023
With Francesca Mason Boring
Hosted by Lisa Bonnice

According to Francesca Mason Boring, through ancestral connection, you can shift your life experience from one of isolation and loneliness to one of connection and belonging. Modernity, with all its innovation, has developed collective prohibitions from including ancestors as a concrete resource. Family Systems Constellation and the paradigm of inclusion is one gateway to wholeness, peace, and being in awe of your inherited place within humanity.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Principles of family systems constellations and parallels in wisdom traditions that may bring participants closer to joy
  • An exercise that will give participants the opportunity to counter the sense of isolation coming from the exclusion of an ancestor 
  • Resources and tools to continue the journey beyond this conversation
The views expressed are specific to the author/speaker and may vary from the perspectives of The Shift Network's participants, staff, or other speakers.
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Francesca Mason Boring

Bi-cultural Author, Facilitator, Teacher of Family & Human Systems Constellation

Francesca Mason Boring is a bi-cultural facilitator and trainer of Family and Systems Constellation. Informed by the work of many of the early Masters in Family Systems Constellation, as well as her own indigenous elders, Mason-Boring has been a key figure in the development of the integration of ceremony and ritual in constellation work, including nature, social systems, and community, respecting ancestors not only as archetypes, metaphors or allegories but as a relevant available testament to our resilience. 

A Western Shoshone, (an indigenous tribe in the United States) Francesca has authored: The Nature Constellation Handbook: An invitation to connection (2022), Family & Systems Constellations in the Company of Good People, (2018, Create Space) Family Systems Constellations and Other Systems Constellation Adventures: A transformational journey, (2015, All My Relations Press)- Co-Edited with Ken Sloan: Returning to Membership in Earth Community: Systemic Constellations with Nature (Stream of Experience Productions, 2013), author of Connecting to Our Ancestral Past; Healing through Family Constellation, Ceremony & Ritual (North Atlantic Books, 2012), Botschaften aus dem indigenene Feld, (Carl-Auer, 2009),  Wandelen door het wetende veld, (Alta Mira, 2009), Feather Medicine, Walking in Shoshone Dreamtime: A Family System Constellation, (Llumina Press, 2004), and Coyote Dance, (Llumina Press, 2005, Create Space, 2016).  Mason Boring has served as an advisor and contributing writer for The Knowing Field, an international scholarly journal on systems constellation. 

Francesca provides workshops and training in Family Systems Constellation and has presented at numerous conferences on the topic of the Universal Indigenous Field in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Singapore, Holland, Mexico, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Bulgaria, and the United States. She has served on faculty for Intensives on Systemic Constellations in Germany, Mexico, Australia, South Africa, and the U.S.A. 

Francesca Mason Boring