Program & Replays

Ancestral Healing Ceremony: Birthing a New Dawn for Your Lineage

Broadcast on January 31, 2023
With Roel Crabbé
Hosted by Lisa Bonnice

These times of transformation are calling us to realize that we are not only the descendants of our ancestors, we are also part of the ancestral field — where we also have an energetic impact on future generations. In this experiential session, Roel Crabbé will guide you to connect with healing ancestors to bring forward healing for yourself, your ancestors, and future generations.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • How to raise your frequency on a personal and collective level by stepping into a new healing relationship with your ancestry
  • Ways to create not only deep healing within your ancestral line but a brighter future for yourself and all future generations
  • A new dawn for yourself and your lineage by immersing yourself in the healing power of ceremony and the ancestral healing songs 
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Roel Crabbé

Shamanic practitioner and teacher

Roel Crabbé is a shamanic practitioner and teacher of shamanism and healing. He began his shamanic training in 1995 when he was 17 and struggling with suicidal depression and addiction. The profound healing he received led him to continue on this path, and he has been practicing under the guidance of shamanic teachers ever since. He has trained thousands in practical shamanism and healing since 2003.

Roel’s style of teaching is heart-centered and focused on compassion, healing, and service to Mother Earth. Characterized by simplicity and a focus on direct contact with the spirits, his training is innovative and filled with ceremonies and healing modalities given to him through his connection with the spirit world.

He has been recognized by several shamans for his ability to tap into ancient songlines from the spirit world and create spaces of healing and spiritual connection. Over the years, his work with ancestral healing songs, which are only sung once, has become an intrinsic part of his teaching and work.

Roel is founder of the Anam Cara spiritual center in Belgium. Apart from teaching, he is active as a sculptor, writer, and painter.

Roel Crabbé