In this groundbreaking series, you’ll discover:

  • Practices to transmute stuck ancestral energies, so you can access your soul’s true purpose stored in the Akashic Records
  • Connecting with ancestors through your writing practice aids you in discovering mysteries in your family’s past, so you can help heal unresolved issues
  • How the legacy of African American enslavement still affects us all today — and ways to use genealogy as a tool for healing the historical harm of slavery
  • Principles of family systems constellation — and parallels in other wisdom traditions that may help you resolve transgenerational barriers to joy
  • The 4 main areas of ancestral magical inheritance — family, personal, elemental, and celestial — and how to tap into each one
  • Immersive prayer, chanting, and rituals of ancestor reverence that shift you from surviving to thriving, so you can build relationships with loving and wise lineage ancestors as a source of blessing, support, and healing
  • Ancestors in Training, an educational project and lived experience that centers on sacred traditions, new technologies, intergenerational healing, and grief work
  • And much more…

Cultivate Compassion for Your Ancestors to Experience Peace and Joy in Your Own Heart

January 30-February 3, 2023
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Sign up now to receive these FREE recordings and to be notified about our next 2023 Ancestral Healing Summit series:

  • How to Heal Curses Carried Through Your Ancestral Line with Sandra Ingerman
  • Embracing the Ancestral Healing Journey with Thomas Hübl

Featured Speakers

Thomas Hübl
Thomas Hübl
Embracing the Ancestral Healing Journey
Grandmother Flordemayo
Grandmother Flordemayo
Connecting to Our Ancestors Through Our Mother's Womb
Jill Purce
Jill Purce
Healing Family and Ancestors: Resonant Family Constellations
Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona
Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona
Connecting With Ancestors in the Modern Age
Sandra Ingerman, MA
Sandra Ingerman, MA
How to Heal Curses Carried Through Your Ancestral Line
Dr. Velma Love
Dr. Velma Love
Reflections on Ancestral Healing & Design Justice
Masami Covey, M.S., FNTP
Masami Covey, M.S., FNTP
Every BODY is a Story
Eileen McKusick
Eileen McKusick
Honoring Human Interconnectedness and Healing the Ancestral Rivers
Langston Kahn
Langston Kahn
Liberating Radical Joy Through Ancestral Healing
Christina Lee Pratt
Christina Lee Pratt
Engaging the Gifts and Blessings of Your Ancestral Legacy
don Oscar Miro-Quesada
don Oscar Miro-Quesada
Befriending Our Ancient Present: Shamanic Wisdom on Adopting Ancestors for Healing and Spiritual Evolution
Christina Caudill
Christina Caudill
Cultivating Love and Trust With Your Ancestors
Shelley Kaehr, PhD
Shelley Kaehr, PhD
Sending Light to Your Family: Past, Present & Future
Arielle Schwartz, PhD
Arielle Schwartz, PhD
Cultivating Transgenerational Resilience: Healing Ancestral Trauma
Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone
Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone
Blessing the Bones of Your Familial Wounds
Roel Crabbé
Roel Crabbé
Ancestral Healing Ceremony: Birthing a New Dawn for Your Lineage
Veronica Agard
Veronica Agard
Ancestors in Training: Shaping the Future
Tom DeWolf
Tom DeWolf
Racial Healing: Coming to the Table for Truth Telling, Liberation, and Transformation
Taya Mâ Shere
Taya Mâ Shere
From Survive to Thrive: Rooting in Positive Resource and Jewish Practices of Ancestor Reverence as a Path Toward Healing
Charlotte Nguyễn, CMT-P
Charlotte Nguyễn, CMT-P
The Art of Ancestor Veneration: Daily Rites, Rituals, and Devotional Acts to Honor Your Ancestor Spirits
Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer
Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer
Ancestral Healing: Spiritual Synchronicity and Karmic Justice
Fern Vuchinich
Fern Vuchinich
Ancestral Astrology: Signature Planets
Francesca Mason Boring
Francesca Mason Boring
Embracing Ancestors in the Knowing Field: Family Systems Constellation, Echoes of Pain and the Healing Connection
Dr. Lotte Valentin, NMD
Dr. Lotte Valentin, NMD
How to Heal Yourself by Understanding Your Ancestral Lineage
Vanessa Gonzalez Codorniu
Vanessa Gonzalez Codorniu
Healing the Witch and Healer Wound Through Ancestral Hypnosis
Tanya Taylor Rubinstein
Tanya Taylor Rubinstein
Writing With the Ancestors
Natalia O'Sullivan, BSc (Hons)
Natalia O'Sullivan, BSc (Hons)
Turning Generational Curses Into Blessings
Desiree DeMars
Desiree DeMars
Sacred Symbols + Reading the Bones: The Ancient Universal Language That Guides Us Through Our Ancestral Healing Journey
Dr. Linda Howe
Dr. Linda Howe
The Akashic Records: Gateway to Ancestral Healing
Sharon Leslie Morgan
Sharon Leslie Morgan
Healing the Historical Harm of Slavery
Nancy Hendrickson
Nancy Hendrickson
Your Magickal Inheritance
David Dean
David Dean
Roots Deeper Than Whiteness: Remembering Who We Are for the Wellbeing of All
Jacqui Crooks
Jacqui Crooks
Tapping Into Ancestral Healing
Michelle Clare
Michelle Clare
You Are the Healer
Rev. Sharon Anne Klingler
Rev. Sharon Anne Klingler
Connecting Ancestral Healing With Karmic Healing
Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, MFA, CG, DSNU
Sharon DeBartolo Carmack, MFA, CG, DSNU
The Genealogy Medium's Guide to Healing You and Your Ancestors
Michelle Masters
Michelle Masters
Ancestral Blocks to Love and Money

With Host:

Lisa Bonnice
Program Host at The Shift Network and Award-Winning Author

Guest host:

Vanessa Gonzalez Codorniu
Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychic Medium & Founder of The School of the Healing Artes

Explore Tools That Empower You to Clear Painful Ancestral Imprints

What if you could resolve generational trauma by transmuting painful patterns, thereby creating a greater sense of belonging and wholeness in your life?

And what if deeply reconnecting to your own heritage could help you make peace with yourself and your origins… experience closure with those who’ve crossed over… and free you to live more fully with all the gifts of your lineage?

You can create a radically new story for the future by forging renewed relationships with your elders who have passed, and integrating their wisdom and lessons into your daily life.

By doing so, you’ll release revered members of your bloodline from ongoing energetic blockages created in the past, while concurrently making way for you and future generations to live demonstrably better lives.

The good news is that when you change patterns held by your ancestors, you become free to change your own patterns within.

You’ll then be empowered to not only heal past wounds, but to use your gifts to reach your own highest potential and contribute to the transformation of our world — a powerful legacy to bequeath to yourself and your descendents!

The foremost ancestral healing experts, teachers, researchers, and speakers featured in our 2023 Ancestral Healing Summit series will bring to light these curative powers of ancestral healing…

Speakers such as Thomas Hübl, Sandra Ingerman, Langston Kahn, Christina Caudill, and Dr. Arielle Schwartz will help you learn how to establish and build trust with your ancestors while you adopt an integrative, mind-body approach to working with generational wounds.

This series will help you understand ancestral trauma, how you can resolve past hurts that get passed on, and how to end this cycle in your own lifetime.

You’ll experience an array of pathways leading to aha! moments of revelation as you access practical tools to safely explore your unique ancestry and intergenerational trauma, opening up doors to belonging, wholeness, and completion.

You’ll gain an understanding of how the very things your ancestors dealt with may be affecting your relationships, your health, and any other challenges you may be facing today. Ultimately, by helping your ancestors heal, you can heal yourself.

This series will create a safe, loving space to understand and process what ancestral healing is, and how it shows up in your life…

… providing you with tools and opportunities to manifest deep healing of ancestral wounds, increased emotional balance, and the ability to pass along healthier, more wholesome traits to your progeny.


Here’s some of what our illuminating teachers will be sharing with you…

Thomas Hübl will explore how you can tap into your ancestors’ strengths while also acknowledging and healing the intergenerational trauma and patterns that have been passed down through your DNA

Jill Purce, known as a pioneer of ancestral healing work, will explore how to set yourself, your family, and future generations free from inherited traumas, transforming clamorous ancestors into supportive allies and powerful guides.

Renowned international shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman will offer tools to reverse karmic ancestral curses that may have been passed down through your family lineage, freeing you to live out your own destiny.

Dr. Velma Love will discuss how basic ancestral healing practices might be combined with the design justice approach to generate strategies for cultural healing.

Mayan elder, midwife, and shamanic healer Grandmother Flordemayo will talk about the sacred placenta fire ceremony, her family's Uterus pot, and the womb’s wisdom connection to female ancestors.

Join Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone for an experiential journey into the ancestral realms to encounter and receive guidance from your spiritual allies there.

Masami Covey affirms that unhealed, painful family trauma legacies that lie dormant inside your connective tissues can be processed and released from your fascia.

Dr. Arielle Schwartz will introduce you to an integrative, mind-body approach to working with generational wounds that highlights the strength of the human spirit and cultivates transgenerational resilience.

As Christina Caudill will share, it’s important to establish and build trust with our ancestors, building a 2-way line of communication by treating them with respect, reverence, and humility.

Join ancestral healing practitioner Langston Kahn as he shares how ancestral connection and healing increases your capacity to experience joy.

Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona will explore the Indigenous North American concepts of honoring ancestors and our relationships with them, including how we connect with them and why they would want to connect with us.


And much more...

Healing generational trauma takes courage and strength… complicit families keep abuse alive from generation to generation, until one brave survivor boldly ends the cycle of abuse.
Dana Arcuri

Ancestral healing can improve your relationships, revitalize your spirit, catalyze cultural shifts, and awaken your consciousness to new realities. It can extend blessings not only to those who came before you, but also to your children, grandchildren, and beyond.

That’s why we’re thrilled to invite you to our 2023 Ancestral Healing Summit series — a global gathering of leading experts and inspiring teachers who will be sharing a powerful synthesis of spirituality and shamanism, science and psychology, and ancient wisdom from around the world that can transform your life and your lineage.

For example, during world-renowned psychic medium Mark Anthony’s eye-opening session, you’ll explore the science of spirit communication through the electromagnetic soul, and how that energetic contact can lead to ancestral healing, both for the living and the departed.

You’ll also discover ways to heal inherited curses carried through your ancestral line, and how to send gentle, loving, healing light to your entire family lineage.

The visionary speakers in this series will illuminate the curative powers of ancestral healing, helping you shift and release blocked ancestral energies from your past — in order to heal your present and future.

The 2023 Ancestral Healing Summit series will reveal ways in which your ancestors' unresolved issues are affecting your physical, emotional, and spiritual health today — as well as how these issues can get passed down through the generations.

You’ll discover ancient pathways for forging profound connections with your ancestors — even if you were adopted — and open up opportunities for greater wellbeing, joy, connection, and both personal and cultural healing.

When you create sacred connections with members of your lineage who’ve passed, you can tap into the radiant energies within your bloodline, clearing your energy field and theirs of intergenerational cycles of trauma that affect the living and the dead…

… by embracing the ancestors who love you... and releasing the ancestors who haunt you.

By taking a deeper dive to discover and unlock these empowering pathways to healing on a cellular level — for you and your dear, departed loved ones — you can forge a new future of freedom, completion, and hope for yourself and future generations!

Here’s what participants had to say about previous years’ 2023 Ancestral Healing Summit...

“I'm very grateful to have been able to find so much potent information and healing in one place!!”

This summit was fantastic! I've been really drawn to ancestral healing of late, especially with respect to inherited patterns of trauma and the way they express forward through the lineage. Then lo and behold, into my inbox comes this amazing Ancestral Healing Summit with so many experts in the very field I'm wanting to explore! I'm very grateful to have been able to find so much potent information and healing in one place!!

— Kristin, San Diego, California

“Mentally and spiritually invigorating.”

The range of information was fantastic and timely for me personally. It felt like being in a fireside chat. It provided me with direction for next steps. Mentally and spiritually invigorating.

— Tracey, Ottawa, Canada

“I cannot wait to continue on this journey with all that I have absorbed from the summit.”

I learned SO much and was introduced to a whole world of educators, guides, and practitioners. I cannot wait to continue on this journey with all that I have absorbed from the summit.

— C.Z., Austin, Texas

“The Ancestral Healing Summit is an enlightening experience, in which I glean priceless and timeless advice, lessons, and practical tips…”

The Ancestral Healing Summit is an enlightening experience, in which I glean priceless and timeless advice, lessons, and practical tips that will facilitate healing and connection. The caliber of speakers is beyond reproach. I cannot fathom how The Shift Network could top themselves, until they do.

— Jennifer Finck, Hammond

“This Ancestral Healing Summit was amazing, an eye opener.”

This Ancestral Healing Summit was amazing, an eye opener. As a therapist, it has inspired me in my work. And on a personal level, it has made me feel more connected. Thank you for this wonderful summit.

— Manjit, United Kingdom

“So much beneficial wisdom and information that frankly everybody needs to hear right now!”

I can’t rate this summit highly enough! It had a fantastic and diverse range of highly intelligent and qualified people. So much beneficial wisdom and information that frankly everybody needs to hear right now! I have come away with so much wisdom about how we need to heal ourselves and the planet, and feel much more focused and confident on my path ahead to becoming a healer using multiple modalities.

— Kate Hele, Exmoor, United Kingdom

“Inspiring and thought-provoking!”

Inspiring and thought-provoking! Thank you for sharing these empowering tools and insights.

— Natalie Glass, Nicaragua

“A whole hidden world revealed itself to me listening to the talks in this summit.”

A whole hidden world revealed itself to me listening to the talks in this summit. I found answers to questions I didn't even know I had. I've also experienced a shift in my dreams, and that in itself is a great improvement, since interesting info came across in this way. Overall, it had a significant impact on me. I've already started following several speakers, since I feel I should go more in depth on some topics. Thank you so much for this opportunity!

— Aleda Estlin, Romania


So much information that was totally new to me! I just loved knowing how the power of healing can affect our past lives and ancestors, our present lives, and our FUTURE lives! Incredible!

— Janet, Chicago

“This was an absolute winner to listen to.”

This was an absolute winner to listen to. All the speakers provided such great information, indicating their depth of knowledge, research, and time they have dedicated to this work. Totally worth my time to invest in and definitely would do again.

— Susan Van Koughnet, Winnipeg, Canada



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